• 03148)  #302, Samil-daero 447,
    Jongno-gu, Seoul, 
    Republic of Korea
  • appraisal@appraisalk.kr
  • +82-2-739-6955~7
  • +82-2-739-6954
Training Course for Art Professionals
  • Training the next generation appraisers and experts in each field, using the authority and the highest level of experts secured in the art appraisal field.
  • Continuous management and sponsorship to the professionals in the art sector by qualifying them with segmenting the scope of their activities so that they can ultimately become a driving force for growing professionals in each field.
  • Segmented training in field of art
  • Strengthening job competency by obtaining a certificate
  • Expanding the base of art culture
  • Field : Appraisal, Art Market, Distribution, Management, Planning, Administration, Analysis, Investigation, etc.
  • Target : Art Workers, Job seeker, Artists, Collectors, Artwork fans, Students, etc.
  • Start : Notice on Website
  • Benefit : ① Certificate issued upon completion of the course
    ② Opportunities to be trained as KAAARC appraiser for excellent human resources

Training Course for Professional Art Appraisers Ⅰ
Art Appraisal:
The Introductory Course
2021 2nd Semester Curriculum in Institute of Continuing Education for The Future, Yonsei Univ.

Art Experts Training Course
Ceramic Appraisal:
Intermediate Course
Project supported by Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Training Course for Professional Art Appraisers
Art Appraisal:
The Introductory Course
2022 1nd Semester Curriculum in Institute of Continuing Education for The Future, Yonsei Univ.

Training Course for Professional Art Appraisers
Art Appraisal:
Advanced course
2022 1nd Semester Curriculum in Institute of Continuing Education for The Future, Yonsei Univ.

글로벌 컨퍼런스 개최
[해외 문화재 및 예술품 가격 감정의 실태와 우리의 방향
The situation of appraisal of cultural properties and artworks abroad and our direction]